These workshops from Jeremy JAMES have been organized in order to help you explore further your OIB drama works. All students are welcome.
You should sign up for the session which corresponds to your free time. If you are not free at either of the times, please speak to your teacher and ask if you may be excused from the lesson. All information available in room 307.
Première OIB students
Waiting for Godot, Theatre of the Absurd Workshop Wednesday 9th March: either session A (1pm to 3pm) or session B (3.30 pm to 5pm)Terminale OIB students :
King Lear Workshop Wednesday 16th March: either session X (1pm to 3pm) or session Y (3.30 pm to 5:30pm)
The workshops are made possible thanks to AGESSIA funding, those who are not members will pay a participation fee of 10€.
Participants should come to the workshop wearing neutral dark clothes: black or grey tee shirt and sports trousers