Agessia en deux mots

AGESSIA est une association créée en 2009 afin de permettre à la section anglophone du Lycée G Duby de maintenir et d’élargir son offre éducative (plus de détails).

logo agessia

AGESSIA is an association created in 2009 in order to allow the English-speaking section of G Duby High School to maintain and enlarge its educational programme (click here for more).

Shakespeare quizz

Le grand poète et dramaturge anglais, née à Stratford -upon-Avon (G.B.) en 1564 mourut en 1616.
Commémorons ensemble le 400ème anniversaire de sa mort
Il nous a laissé en héritage des œuvres magnifiques, des personnages inoubliables, des idées lumineuses et de très belles phrases cultes.
Nous le portons dans notre esprit et dans nos cœurs sans le savoir…


This man loves this woman and she loves him but he will turn away from her.  Who are they?



Who is suffering from “the green-eyed monster “, jealousy, and who is sowing the seeds of poisonous doubt in his ear ?



The duelists at the climax of which play? Who survives the fight?



In disguise as bloody nurses here, who are these three and which great Shakespeare character do they fatally influence?



Caressing or strangling? How will this relationship end and who are they?



She dreams of being queen and is prepared to kill for the crown. Who is she?6


These two men – one blind the other going mad – are subjected to great suffering by a cruel world and their own foolishness. Who are they?7



These young people will not be able to fulfill their dreams in a world of hatred and violence.8



Love at first sight between a queen and a man with donkey’s ears. Who are these people and in what play do they appear?9


The love between this beautiful queen and this powerful general will shape the times in which they live. What are their names?10


Who is this physically and morally deformed character, “determined to prove a villain” and quench his thirst for power?11


The man in the centre is the master of the world but their intentions are clear. Who is this powerful man and where is the scene set?12


She was what was dearest to him but nothing could save her. Who are they?13


King and queen at last but they will pay dearly for their crowns. Who are the doomed couple?14

Echanges avec le Canada


Echange Havergal 2017 :

Havergal5C’est avec grand plaisir que nous avons accueilli 4 élèves canadiennes de l’Ecole d’Havergal deToronto du 6 au 24 Mars. Leurs correspondantes françaises iront au Canada du 1er au 22 Avril 2017.

Havergal1Les 4 Canadiennes d’Havergal sont reparties chez elle le week-end dernier après 2 semaines de découverte de la France, la Provence, leurs correspondantes…. A voir leurs sourires on sait qu’elles ont aimé leur séjour parmi nous.Bien que surprises du nombre de cours au Lycée, elles ont découvert avec joie la gastronomie française, notamment la tarte tropézienne , se sont étonnées de la coutume de la bise pour se dire bonjour et ont adoré leurs ballades dans la région. En Avril, leurs amies françaises se rendront à leur tour au Canada… Merveilleux échanges riches d’enseignement…


 Echange Havergal 2016 :


Nous venons d’accueillir pendant trois semaines, Jillian SMITH, une lycéenne canadienne de Toronto. Elle a été accueillie par Flora  Maurel, élève de seconde 13, avec qui elle a pu découvrir la vie au lycée et la culture française.

 Jillian est une jeune fille très dynamique qui apprécie beaucoup le sport. L’originalité de cet échange réside dans le fait que Flora et Jullian sont reparties ensemble pour Toronto. Elles auront donc passé ensemble six semaines d’affilée. Flora va maintenant découvrir le lycée HAVERGAL à Toronto et la vie au canada.

Quelques photos ici

Un témoignage du lycée  HAVERGAL 
Hi Veronique & Sylviane,
 Thank you for all that you’ve done to make Gillian’s experience a great one! She learned a lot, grew individually, and has captured wonderful memories! Flora was such a wonderful guest to host here at Havergal, and I hope she enjoyed her experience. I had the opportunity to take her to the Art Gallery of Ontario, and Flora pointed out many pieces of Aix, or that were painted by artists from Aix!
 Here, at Havergal college, we’re turning our gaze to next year, and I’m happy to report we will likely have 2, and possibly a 3rd next year if that’s a possibility on your end? What does your timeline look like moving toward next year’s exchange?
Thank you again, and looking forward to another great exchange year!
Jennifer Russell

Institute Program Manager | Havergal College
Preparing young women to make a difference since 1894

Havergal College: 1451 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ontario, M5N 2H9